Seeking Peace: One
Step at a Time
A Review of Chief
of Staff by Marvin W. Watson
Author Biography
Marvin Watson was born on June 6, 1924, in
Oakhurst, Texas. He attended Baylor University on a music
scholarship, receiving his BBA in 1949 and his MA in 1950.
Watson headed the Democratic Party in Texas and became White
House Chief of Staff from 1965 to 1968. In 1968, Johnson
named him Postmaster General. He is currently the only
living cabinet-level Postmaster General and works as an
official with Occidental Petroleum.
The political career of Lyndon
Baines Johnson erupted after his first political appearance
as a Congressman in 1937. Johnson’s unyielding dedication
to equality and contagious energy carried him into the
hearts of many Americans and eventually to a reform-driven
presidency in 1963. Although the “favorite son” of Texas
considered himself a true child of the South, Johnson
favored liberal-minded humanitarian efforts. Attempting to
eliminate poverty, Johnson “never ceased pushing for the
enactment of the greatest possible number of legislative
bills in pursuit of his dream for a Great Society,” and he
utilized his influence in Congress to pass civil rights
legislation—Democratic milestones many citizens had dreamed,
but no prior president had attempted to enact.1
Hardly a conservative war giant, Johnson relied on his
unbreakable will and faith to overcome his numerous
presidential battles—particularly his obsession with
Following graduation from Southwest State Teachers College,
Johnson joined the House of Representatives in November
1931. That year, Congressman Richard Kleberg invited Johnson
to work as his secretary in Washington, an experience that
introduced him to the functions of Congress. Serving Kleberg
until 1935, Johnson became the elected speaker of “Little
Congress”, an inter-congressional organization, in 1933.
Johnson proceeded to attend Georgetown University Law School
during the fall of 1934. After the death of Congressman
James P. Buchanan the next year, he entered and won the
special election for the 10th Congressional District.
Elected to the Senate in 1941, Johnson replaced Senator
Morris Sheppard until June 28. He served in the U.S. Senate
for an additional fourteen years, filling the ranks of
Majority Whip, Minority Leader, Majority Leader, Chairman of
the Democratic Policy Committee, Democratic Conference of
the Senate, and Chairman of the Senate Preparedness
Investigating Subcommittee. Johnson’s rise to prominence in
the Senate qualified him for the 1960 Democratic
presidential nomination. At the Democratic convention that
year, John F. Kennedy chose Johnson as his vice president,
because he “desperately needed him to win the general
election…Johnson would make a strong candidate, indeed the
strongest candidate; his place on the ticket was essential,
especially for carrying Texas; and of course Johnson was
entirely qualified to succeed Kennedy as
President.”2 During the campaign, Johnson also
ran for a third term as Senator, after an alteration to
Texas law to accommodate his dual campaigning. Despite
reelection with 1,306,605 votes (58 percent) to Republican
John G. Tower’s 927,653 (41.1 percent), Johnson lost
political influence after Kennedy’s presidential election.
Ignoring Johnson’s popularity in Congress and in the Senate,
Kennedy reduced Johnson’s duties to heading the President’s
Committee on Equal Employment Opportunities, limited
diplomacy, observing Cabinet and National Security meetings,
managing the civil rights program, and chairing of the
President’s Ad Hoc Committee for Science. In April 1961, the
Soviets succeeded in sending the first man into space. Among
Johnson’s more important vice presidential tasks, Kennedy
pressured Johnson to find a space project that would show
U.S. scientific superiority. Johnson supported the promising
Project Apollo and NASA programs, and he suggested a project
for landing a man on the moon.
Assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald on November 22, 1963,
President Kennedy left America focused on defending South
Vietnam. That day, federal judge Sarah T. Hughes swore
Johnson into the presidency aboard Air Force One in Dallas
at Love Field Airport. When Johnson assumed the
presidency—and with the presidency, the Vietnam War—about
22,000 troops occupied Vietnam. Like Kennedy, Johnson
believed that success in South Asia depended on South
Vietnam’s independence, so he continued Kennedy’s engagement
in Vietnam. A strong advocate of the “Containment Theory”,
Johnson attempted to combat communism to prevent its spread
to other areas of South Asia. His 1964 campaign reinforced
his aggressive foreign policy and capitalized on his
experience: “he had good judgment…and, above all else, he
could be trusted;” Johnson’s opponent, Goldwater, on the
other hand, “was mercurial, untested, and beyond all else,
he was a man who could never be trusted with his finger on
the nuclear trigger.”3 Johnson won the election
with 61 percent of the popular vote—the greatest majority in
American history. Careful about protecting his reputation,
Johnson approved National Security Action Memoranda (NSAM)
273 on November 26, 1963, ensuring assistance against
communism to foreign countries. On January 16, 1964,
Operations Plan (OPLAN) 34A called for improved
communication between the CIA and the military, followed by
the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. Passed on August 10 with a 98
to 2 vote in the Senate and a unanimous vote in the House,
the resolution granted the president the authority to
protect troops by whatever means necessary. Johnson used it
to begin the Vietnam War, though he never officially
declared war. Despite his pro-war sentiments, Johnson did
not plan further involvement in Vietnam. Although mainly
preoccupied with Vietnam, Johnson signed the Civil Rights
Act of 1964 on July 2, which guaranteed African Americans
the right to vote, to use public facilities, and to withhold
federal funds when discriminated against. He also signed the
Economic Opportunity Act on August 20, including
educational, employment, and training programs.
Upon authorization of Rolling Thunder on February 13, 1965,
which permitted continued bombing in Vietnam, America
divided into the pro-war “Hawks” and the anti-war “Doves”.
Johnson himself remained essentially neutral; he sided with
neither group. As objection to the Vietnam War heightened,
so did the frequency of demonstrations and protests, which
were “unpleasant to a man who needed public
approval.”4 By mid-April 1965, Johnson committed
the nation to full-scale operations in Vietnam. In November,
employed troops numbered 175,000, and, in 1966, almost
300,000. Although he disliked the idea, Johnson sent 535,000
troops overseas by the end of his presidency. At home, both
his “Great Society” program and foreign policy focused on
the preservation of liberty. Congress targeted education,
protection of civil rights, urban renewal, Medicare,
conservation, beautification, control and prevention of
crime and delinquency, promotion of the arts, and consumer
protection. In Vietnam, Johnson worked toward avoiding
unnecessary action against the Communists, improving social
and economic conditions, fostering inter-regional
cooperation among neighboring nations, and resolving
Communist disputes. The climax of his ongoing pursuit of
justice, Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act on August 6,
which enabled African Americans to legally register and
vote. However, Vietnam ultimately suspended his equalitarian
efforts and his dream of a “Great Society”.
War resistance skyrocketed when the North Vietnamese
attacked Saigon in South Vietnam. Largely a result of the
“Tet Offensive” and his failing health, President Johnson
decided not to run for a second term. The situation in
Vietnam ignited even more concern than his health: the press
seemed to miss no chance to criticize the “vanishing public
support of American policy there,” and Lyndon Johnson
himself “despised the war” because “it was killing
Americans” and “destroying his dream for a Great Society by
sucking up immense amounts of money.”5 The
murders of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert Kennedy
compounded the distress of the already depressed nation.
Although his attention to Vietnam caused the postponement of
societal improvements like the “Great Society”, Johnson made
considerable progress in the advancement of international
nuclear cooperation. In January 1967, Johnson signed the
Outer Space Treaty with Soviet Premier Aleksei Kosygin,
forbidding the use of nuclear weapons in space. Also, in
1968, the United States adopted the nuclear
Non-proliferation Treaty, which banned nuclear assistance to
foreign nations.
In Chief of Staff, Marvin W. Watson, Johnson’s confidant and
Chief of Staff from 1965 to 1968, presented a first-person
account of Johnson’s life, times, and politics. Combining
biography with memoir, Watson portrayed Johnson as a godly
man who “believed the American people were willing to
sacrifice and that there was no limit to what the people of
this nation would accomplish.”6 Chief of Staff
attempted to qualify Johnson’s Vietnam War policy and
actions. For instance, Watson attributed the expansion of
the war to ineffective and mistaken counsel, and he vilified
Robert Kennedy as a scheming, power-hungry politician who
tore apart the Democratic Party during the 1968 presidential
election. A true Johnson loyalist, Watson believed that
Johnson never acted with any intention other than to “punch
holes in the darkness.”7
Marvin Watson published Chief of Staff thirty six years
after Johnson’s presidency and thirty two years after his
death. In his effort to reveal the warmth, compassion, and
level-headed leadership of the President for which he
worked, Watson sought to discredit previously popular—but in
his opinion inadequate—portraits of the president published
just three and thirteen years before his own book. For
instance, Watson classified Robert Caro as one such
historian to “have fallen victim to the fault that they
often rely upon the prejudiced views of unreliable
contemporary—and sometimes uncited—sources” and echoed Jack
Valenti’s criticism of the three-volume work as a
publication “worthy more of publication in a seedy scandal
sheet…it has no warranty, no names, confirmed by no
witnesses, void of identity of those supposedly
involved.”8 He also attacked Michael Beschloss’s
book on the Lyndon Johnson tapes, which claims Johnson
struggled with mental illness during the time of his
presidency. Watson stated that he “never observed him act in
any way other than with total normalcy, or, to put it
another way, consistent with the power of his personality
and the force of his intellect.”9 He also accused
Beschloss of misinterpreting Lady Bird Johnson’s tape
recorded diary as evidence, in addition to citing Richard
Goodwin and Bill Moyers, both of whom involuntarily left the
White House.
Karl Helicher called Watson’s Chief of Staff “an intriguing
but uncritical account of LBJ.”10 Shaped by his
service to the president as Chief of Staff, Watson’s
unrestrained idolism seemed unavoidable, but ultimately
contributed to the book’s excessive sentimentality. While
Watson’s memories lent the book a personal touch, at times
they tended to overshadow the facts. Instead of elaborating
on Johnson’s campaign, for example, Watson listed his duties
during the election, marking what Gilbert Taylor considered
as a book that “mainly describes his enforcement of
political loyalty on the White House Staff.”11
Although it provided a detailed account of the Johnson
presidency, Chief of Staff is ultimately overshadowed by
Watson’s inevitable bias as Johnson’s Chief of Staff.
Watson’s account failed to effectively evaluate Johnson’s
presidency; however, it did succeed in illustrating his
congressional tact and providing a thorough description of
Watson’s role as Chief of Staff. Watson’s rigorous
involvement in the Johnson presidency accented his account
with disclosure of confidential information. For example, he
reveals that Johnson tasked George Ball with arguing against
Vietnam Policy “to deal with the best arguments that can be
made against what we are doing.”12 The media had
mistakenly labeled him as an anti-war hero who defended his
opinions against the president.
After granting equal rights to both women and blacks,
America finally extended freedom to all of its citizens.
Johnson appointed Robert Weaver, the first black Cabinet
Officer, Carl Rowan, the first black Director of USIA,
Samuel Nabrit, the first black Atomic Energy Commissioner,
Hobart Taylor, the first black Director of the Export-Import
Bank, Patricia Harris, the first black ambassador to Western
Europe, Hugh Smythe, the first black Ambassador to Asia,
Lieutenant General Benjamin Davis, the first black
Lieutenant General of the Army, and Thurgood Marshall, the
first black Supreme Court Justice. Other landmark
legislation passed during Johnson’s term included Medicare,
Project Head Start, Aid to Education, Aid to Higher
Education, Highway Beautification Act, and the Department of
Housing and Urban Development. Part of Lyndon Johnson’s
“Great Society”, these measures brought the nation closer to
the American ideal—a land without poverty or social
discrimination. What began as “[Johnson’s] vision for a
greater America”13 eventually became one step
closer to “the beginning of a new springtime” that Johnson
believed his nation was approaching.14
In contrast to the conservative fifties, the turbulent
sixties began a new age of democracy and national politics.
The nation heard the cries for peace and equality from the
baby-boomer generation. The Voting Rights Act and the
amendment of the Civil Rights Act transformed American
politics and society by ensuring civil liberties to African
Americans and women. To Lyndon Johnson, “that anyone would
go to bed hungry or in need of an education in this great
land was unforgivable.”15 The decade’s liberal
equalitarian spirit brought about an optimistic rebirth of
American values, embodied by the American President Lyndon
From the War on Poverty at home to the physical strain of
old age or the international horror of impending nuclear
disaster, struggles throughout Johnson’s presidency ignited
nationwide restlessness and loudened anti-war cries from the
American public . As the country’s nuclear fear epidemic
spread, Johnson became emotionally consumed by the vacuum of
unstoppable war and citizen dissent; the gradual recession
of the Great Society reflected Johnson’s growing focus on
review by Erin Hughes
- Watson, Marvin W. Chief of Staff: Lyndon Johnson and His
Presidency: Thomas Dunne Books 2004, 293.
- Watson, Marvin W. 35.
- Watson, Marvin W. 69.
- Watson, Marvin W. 248.
- Watson, Marvin W. 269-270.
- Watson, Marvin W. 313.
- Watson, Marvin W. 313.
- Watson, Marvin W. 141.
- Watson, Marvin W. 257.
- Helicher, Karl “Chief of Staff: Lyndon Johnson and His
Presidency.” Booklist 1 Sept 2004:100
- Taylor, Guilbert “Chief of Staff: Lyndon Johnson and His
Presidency.” Booklist 1 Sept 2004: 44
- Watson, Marvin W. 155.
- Watson, Marvin W. 313.
- Watson, Marvin W. 345.
- Watson, Marvin W. 112.